Psychometric assessment on all levels in the organisation
Our language and culture free assessments are done for recruitment, personal development and skills audit purposes in organisations. The graph below is a statistical demonstration of why personality and cognitive assessment is critical in organisations to reduce risk of poor performance and negative behaviour. It is estimated that the cost of a bad hire is three times the annual salary, That’s a staggering £105,000 based on the UK average salary of £35,000. That’s a fee that many small businesses simply cannot afford.
Additionally, as much as 80% of employee turnover is due to bad hiring decisions (Harvard Business Review). 36% of 1,400 executives surveyed claimed that the leading factor of a failed hire, aside from performance problems, is a poor skills match.
What makes the problem worse is that the monetary cost of a bad hire can escalate significantly if the employee becomes disgruntled and engages in litigation. Then, your business would be on the hook for attorney fees and, potentially, financial damages. Your business would then be responsible for attorney fees and potentially, financial damages.
Psychometric assessment batteries
Our psychometric assessment batteries can be customised for your specific needs and to simplify it, it is offered on the following levels:
- Lower/entry level assessment
- Middle management / specialist / operational work level
- Senior management / Executive management work level
Online Assessment
All of the following assessments are available online
Personality Profiling
- Personality at Work (PAW)
- 15 Factor leadership questionnaire (15FQ)
- Occupational Personality Profile (OPP)
- Occupational personality questionnaire (OPQ)
- Meyers Briggs type indicator (MBTI)
- Junge personality questionnaire (Jung)
Emotional Intelligence Profiling
- Emotional intelligence questionnaire (EQ-I)
- 15 Factor leadership questionnaire with emotional intelligence (15FQ EQ)
- Personality at Work with emotional intelligence (PAW EQ)
Integrity Testing
- Integrity profile 200 (IP200)
- Integrity measurement instrument (IMI)
- Basic integrity profile (BIP)
Organisational Surveys
- Climate studies
- Culture surveys
- Commitment and engagement surveys
- Emotional intelligence surveys
Cognitive Reasoning & Future Learning Potential
- Cognitive process profile (CPP)
- Cognitive and potential assessment (COPAS)
- Learning potential and computerised adaptive test (LPCAT)
Simulation and in-basket exercise
- Strategic simulation exercises
- Email in-basket
- Presentations
- Customised in-basket exercises
Ability / Aptitude Testing
- Mental alertness, analytical and logical reasoning, numerical reasoning, creative and innovative reasoning, spatial relations and concept formation, attention to detail
- Current work level (based on the Stratified Systems Model)
- Learning potential
- Verbal reasoning, verbal comprehension, numerical and abstract reasoning
S360 Degree Feedback
- General 360 Degree feedback
- Emotional intelligence feedback