Definition of a skills audit
A skills audit is a process of measuring and recording the skills of individuals or groups of employees.
The terms ‘skills audit’ and ‘training needs analysis’ are often used interchangeably.
However, a distinction can be made between the two, in that:
a training needs analysis focuses solely on whether employees have the skills and knowledge to perform well in their existing job roles,
while a skills audit takes a broader perspective of the skills needed by the organisation, both at the present time and in the future.
A training needs analysis aims to identify what training and development are needed, but skills audit looks to identify skills which exist within the workforce but are currently unrecognised and unused.
Skills audits are often undertaken at times of change when the requirement for existing skills is in decline and new skills will be needed for the future.
PTES are equipped to offer both.
Aim of a skills audit
The aim of a skills audit is to identify the existing set of skills within the organisation and the skills and knowledge the organisation will need in the future. Often, what employees may have to offer can lay hidden because organisations simply do not know how to access or harness it.
Skills audits are often undertaken at times when an organisation needs to restructure its business or refocus its strategy and direction. For example, technological developments may mean that certain skills are no longer needed but new ones will be required. Similarly, a decision to expand by embarking on a new line of business will also call for new areas of expertise.
Skills audits should not be seen as a once off exercise but rather as an ongoing process which is centrally placed within an organisation’s training and development and talent management functions. It is important to understand that there is little value in undertaking a skills audit without first thinking about why it is being undertaken, how it will be conducted and how the results will be used.
It is also vital to consider how the skills audit relates to work already carried out in the context of annual performance appraisals and training needs analysis, so as to avoid any duplication of effort.
How we do it
Our skills audit process is online (for easy, confidential access)
Certain assessments such as the CPP will be conducted online, but supervised
The assessments are a combination of personality, integrity and cognitive performance
The process commences with thorough communication to participants in preparation of the process
Online links are sent out to participants with clear instructions and communication
Participants have full access to the project manager in case there are any questions or uncertainty about the process
As participants complete the online questionnaires, the results are captured automatically. Our psychologists interpret the reports and provides:
Customised feedback reports for the individual
Group/departmental reports for management
Organisational reports for management
Personalised feedback with recommendations, with an action plan are provided to management.